Issue 07: July 31, 2017
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MENA Fibre is a monthly newsletter prepared and distributed by FTTH Council MENA
to all readers interested in the Fibre world.This newsletter is sent to subscribers who have registered on our website and to our members.
Feel free to forward to colleagues and friends.
You can find daily or weekly updates on FTTH Council MENA website and through this monthly e-newsletter. Also FTTH Council MENA team is always pleased to answer your enquiries on:
[email protected]
About Us
Reports & Studies
Annual Conference 2017
Trainings & Workshops
Media Corner
Contact Us
Join FTTH Council MENA community by becoming an official member and have the chance to develop the FTTH mission and business by being part of our regional and global platform.
Check out the membership rates and benefits Here.
Members Area
Members companies are requested to access to the restricted member area on the website to enjoy the restricted library and view the council activities and project groups. Please contact your company primary delegate to provide you with the access credentials to the member area.
Members companies are invited to join any of our four committees to contribute in the council activities and have the chance to publish the related deliverables. Contact us to receive the related application form.
White Papers
Members can publish their technical tutorials and educational material for the FTTH technologies whether passive or active or outside plant including the market and regulatory conditions on FTTH Council MENA website. For more information contact us.
June 12-14, Orlando, Florida-USA Fiber Broadband Association
July 18-20, Washington, USA - Annual FCGA Meeting
October 3-5, Capetown, South Africa - FTTH Council Africa
November 21-23, Regency Tunis Hotel, Tunisia - FTTH Council MENA 2017 Conference and Exhibition
Check out the Media Corner on the Resources page of our website.
Download the Special Report -Telecom Review Supplements from the Media Publications section
Telecom Review Archive
9th edition of FTTH council MENA conference and exhibition – Sponsor and Speak!
FTTH Council MENA is pleased to invite you to attend its 9th Edition which will be held under the Patronage of the Ministry of Communication Technologies and Digital Economy of Tunisia. The conference and exhibition will be held under theme "FTTH, Empowering the Digital Vision" in the Regency Tunis Hotel on 21-23 November 2017.
For sponsorship, exhibiting, speaking opportunities and participation please visit our event website http://ftthcouncilmena.website/conference2017/
Call for Speakers. Submit your paper now to be part of the 9th Edition of FTTH MENA Conference. Deadline: 15 Septebmer 2017
General Assembly 2017
(Members Only)
Be part of the world class speakers and join the 9th annual conference of FTTH MENA event in Tunis on 22-23 November 2017.
Check the Call for Speakers Here and send your abstract and bio to [email protected].
The third General Assembly meeting will be held on 23 November 2017 in Tunis just after the annual event.
All Members of FTTH Council MENA are invited to attend this General Assembly and contribute on the progress and activities of FTTH Council MENA.
The detailed information will be communicated very soon. Stay tuned.
Online Library - White Papers
& Reports
Members Only: Enhance your visibility now!
Check our online Library and ressources under Resources/Studies & White Papers.
Download the papers and feel free to send us comments and contact our committees for interactive communication
Join our committees and have the chance to have an active role in the council achievements and enhance your profile and company visibility.
Contact us to receive more details and committee form.
Corning’s Weeks: 5G could provide revenue momentum for our optical products
Having won a large fiber purchase order with Verizon to enable 5G wireless and business services, Corning foresees an opportunity to further grow its optical communications segment revenue base.
Ooredoo expands super-fast fibre network to new areas of Muscat
Oman’s second largest broadband provider by subscribers, Ooredoo has announced that it is extending its super-fast fibre broadband coverage in Muscat governorate.
Special Report—From AT&T to LeverettNet: Ranking the top 25 FTTH providers' 1 Gbps pricing
Sonic says access to MDUs is critical to expanding its FTTH service footprint
Verizon 1 Gbps Fios drives 49K gain in Q2 subscribers amid ongoing DSL losses
CityFibre to raise £200m to fund fibre footprint expansion
UK Ghana
UK govt formally launches £400m fibre fund
Kumasi welcomes first Vodafone High Speed fibre optic broadband internet service
Belize India
Belize Telemedia Limited to debut DIGINET in San Pedro Town
BSNL plans fibre upgrade
This newsletter is sent to subscribers who have registered on our website and to our members.
Feel free to forward to colleagues and friends.
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