Issue 05: May 31, 2017
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MENA Fibre is a monthly newsletter prepared and distributed by FTTH Council MENA
to all readers interested in the Fibre world.This newsletter is sent to subscribers who have registered on our website and to our members.
Feel free to forward to colleagues and friends.
You can find daily or weekly updates on FTTH Council MENA website and through this monthly e-newsletter. Also FTTH Council MENA team is always pleased to answer your enquiries on:
[email protected]
About Us
Reports & Studies
Annual Conference 2017
Trainings & Workshops
Media Corner
Contact Us
Join FTTH Council MENA community by becoming an official member and have the chance to develop the FTTH mission and business by being part of our regional and global platform.
Check out the membership rates and benefits Here.
Members Area
Members companies are requested to access to the restricted member area on the website to enjoy the restricted library and view the council activities and project groups. Please contact your company primary delegate to provide you with the access credentials to the member area.
Members companies are invited to join any of our four committees to contribute in the council activities and have the chance to publish the related deliverables. Contact us to receive the related application form.
White Papers
Members can publish their technical tutorials and educational material for the FTTH technologies whether passive or active or outside plant including the market and regulatory conditions on FTTH Council MENA website. For more information contact us.
June 12-14, Orlando, Florida-USA Fiber Broadband Association
July 18-20, Washington, USA - Annual FCGA Meeting
October 3-5, Capetown, South Africa FTTH Council Africa
Check out the Media Corner on the Resources page of our website.
Download the Special Report -Telecom Review Supplements from the Media Publications section
Browse through media reports in the Media Coverage section
Read all FTTH Council MENA press releases in the Press Releases section
Watch the interview with our Chairman in the Media Interviews section
Telecom Review Archive
Patronage of the 9th edition of FTTH council MENA conference and exhibition
TTH Council MENA is pleased to announce that its 9th Edition will be held under the Patronage of the Ministry of Communication Technologies and Digital Economy of Tunisia. The conference and exhibition will be held under theme "FTTH, Empowering the Digital Vision" in Tunis on 21-23 November 2017. We are currently preparing the new webpage for the event conference & expo which will be launched shortly.
For sponsorship, exhibiting, speaking opportunities and participation please contact us Now at [email protected]
Coming Soon: The event new webpage, Stay tuned!
Sponsor Now and book your space at the 9th Edition 21-23 November, Tunis General Assembly 2017
(Members Only)
You are invited to apply for sponsorships NOW to book your space in the 9th annual FTTH MENA exhibition.
Contact us at [email protected] to receive the sponsorship/exhibiting form.
The third General Assembly meeting will be held on 23 November 2017 in Tunis just after the annual event.
All Members of FTTH Council MENA are invited to attend this General Assembly and contribute on the progress and activities of FTTH Council MENA.
The detailed information will be communicated very soon. Stay tuned.
Online Library - White Papers
& Reports
FCGA - Global Power of FTTH Councils Global Alliance
Check our online Library and ressources under Resources/Studies & White Papers.
Download the papers and feel free to send us comments and contact our committees for interactive communication
With FTTH Councils Global Alliance platform of its six global FTTH Councils, FCGA ensures that regional commitments are always combined with the power of global cooperation.
All councils are continuously working on empowering the fibre technology and improving the FTTH documentation.
Lebanon preparing ‘historic’ fibre tender
Lebanon is preparing to launch a major fibre-optic network rollout tender next month.
Iran’s TCI begins FTTH rollout
The Telecommunication Company of Iran (TCI) has launched a project to deploy the country’s first fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) connections in Tehran and seven other cities.
Google Fiber lights up service on Huntsville, Alabama’s, open access fiber network Verizon finally jumps into the $70-a-month 1 Gbps fiber broadband game
USA Reunion
Verizon signs $1.1B fiber purchase agreement with Corning, supports wireline, wireless broadband initiatives Zeop to deploy a FTTH network in Trois-Bassins
Costa Rica Spain
Coopesantos to launch residential FTTH services Orange signs Tenerife fibre-optic network expansion deal
Serbia Bolivia
Sat-Trakt to launch FTTH in Subotica Entel launches FTTH services
Azerbaijan Italy
AzTelekom planning FTTH upgrade to replace ADSL network Open Fiber launches in Naples
This newsletter is sent to subscribers who have registered on our website and to our members.
Feel free to forward to colleagues and friends.
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