Dr. Alaa’ J Mousa

Function: President

Location: Iraq

Current Company: CEO EarthLink Telecommunications

Contact: Dr. Alaa’ J Mousa

Dr. Alaa J. Mousa has more than 23 years of experience in ICT sector since he graduated as a Telecom Engineer in 1999 and holds MSC and PhD in Telecommunications in 2002 and 2007 respectively. He held chief technical officer (CTO) in many telecom operators. In 2014 he joined Earthlink Telecoms as the Director of the Planning; later he received one of the biggest challenges as the CEO of the National Internet Project to build the largest backbone fiber infrastructure in Iraq within one year. Now he occupied the CEO at Earthlink Telecoms


 Fujairah FZ Fujairah 4442 ,Dubai

     United Arab Emirates

[email protected]


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