The information learned in this class will provide students with a practical understanding of how fiber optics works and the specific needs for FTTx networks. The hands-on skills training will teach students how to properly prepare, install, test and maintain fiberto-the-home/building/curb (FTTx) physical networks.
Attendees will work with PON and active Ethernet FTTx systems and equipment as well as learn about the requirements and impact of codes and ITU/IEEE standards. Students will test a variety of configurations including WDM and splitter testing with FTTx test equipment such as PON power meters and optical timedomain reflectometers (OTDRs). This class provides the right preparation for taking the ETA-International’s FOT-OSP Certification Exam.
Course Level
Introductory to intermediate. Beginners to experienced fiber technicians find the class and extensive hands on skills training beneficial.
Classroom (2 Days)
FTTx Methodology
Optical Fiber and Cable
Termination Options
OLTs and ONTs
Panels, Closures, and Cabinets
Installation, Maintenance,
and Restoration
Hands-on (2 Days)
Cable, Closure, and Panel Preparation
Mid-entry Practices
Inline and Pigtail Splicing
OTDR Testing and Signature Interpretation
Testing Splitters
Testing OLT and ONT Power Levels