More than 15 international companies from the major ICT industry from the MENA region and the world will be participating in the 3-Day conference and exhibition under the theme “FTTH, Connecting the Nation” that will witness the presence of world class speakers to discuss the latest technologies such as FTTH/x, 5G, Internet of Things (IOT) and many other topics.
As per the council’s annual study, MENA FTTH subscribers have grown to 19%, in comparison to the 10% reported last year. The growth rate of subscribed homes in the region indicates that in the last 12 months, countries like Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Oman and Tunisia have increased by more than 100% their FTTH/B subscribers, as a result of the FTTH deployments performed during the last periods.
FTTH MENA also shows a growth in Qatar with 392.000 fibre subscribers and 398.000 homes passed by September 2018, while the UAE has reached over 1.625.000 million FTTH/B subscribers and 1.7 million homes passed with a ratio of 95.6% (subs/Homes Passed).
“We are honored to hold our event in Lebanon this year which is based on the recent initiatives and announcements in the country to develop the fiber based Broadband infrastructure in addition to FTTH and national plans. Within our partnership with Idate, the FTTH Council MENA conducted the annual FTTH/B MENA panorama study for 2018 which reveals the increase of fiber uptake in the MENA region during the last 12 months” added Mr. Juan Colina, President of FTTH Council MENA.
The full details of the study will be presented in a special session in the conference covering the MENA region and the global FTTH Council’s regions.
The FTTH Council MENA Annual Conference taking place from 30-31th October 2018 will be inaugurated on Tuesday 30th October 2018 and will open the floor for discussions regarding the region’s latest broadband projects and explore benefits, challenges and efficient strategies to deploy ultra-fast broadband to homes and business within the region. The FTTH Exhibition held alongside the Conference will also give attendees an adequate networking platform to touch base with companies showcasing the latest technologies.
The pre-conference day on 29th October will include several workshops, such as the FTTH technologies and design and the MDU market and solutions in MENA which will guide attendees on their proper fibre plans.
Registrations for the conference can be made online at
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About the FTTH Council MENA
The FTTH Council Middle East and North Africa is an industry organization with a mission to accelerate FTTH adoption by all broadband stakeholders through information and promotion, in order to accelerate the availability of fibre-based, ultra-high-speed access networks to consumers and businesses. We promote FTTH because it delivers a flow of new services that enhances the quality of life, contributes to a better environment and boosts competitiveness. For more information on the event, please visit the website at
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