Digital faced to sustainable development challenges


In the past twenty years, digital technology has transformed our lifestyles and uses to become utterly unavoidable. Clearly, the global health crisis has hastened this digital transition. The proliferation and convergence of disruptive innovations (AI, IoT, big data, blockchain, API) are set to further multiply its uses at a time of global economic recovery.

We now face two major challenges: digital inclusion and the preservation of our planet.

In fact, this digital revolution must now benefit the economic and social development of the other half of humanity living on the fringes of digital technology, while preserving the diversities that make up our cultural wealth.

How then can we reconcile the acceleration of this digital transformation with the preservation of our planet at a time when humanity fears for its survival?

We are pleased to share some of the feedback, analyses and testimonials from our experts and partners with you. They shedlight on the strategic levers which we must activate in order to fight global warming and digital inequalities, and thus achieve this sustainable performance which is essential in order to... survive!

To download our white paper "Digital faced to sustainable development challenges"


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     United Arab Emirates

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